Easy Kimono Tokyo

Open in March, 2024 !

I've often heard people say, "Even if I have a Kimono, I can't wear it because it's too difficult to put on..." Even Japanese people find it difficult to put on a Kimono, so It's very natural that it's even more difficult for people from other countries.


In Japan, more than 500,000 tons of kimonos are thrown away annually in recent years. This is partly due to changes in lifestyle, but the difficulty of dressing them seems to be one of the causes of this sad reality.


This is why I will launch "Easy Kimono Tokyo" with the hope of "making the kimono, a wonderful Japanese culture, more accessible and easier to enjoy for people all over the world.


I, the owner, Sayako, well-selects 50 recycled kimonos and Obis for foreign costumers and offer a workshop to remake them into "two-part" kimonos that can be put them on in 10 mins.  (Obis have been already remade into "improved obis" by me, so they can be strung easily.)


You can take the remade kimono and obi home with you!


Let's go to a dinner or party with wearing your own kimono!





そこで、“日本の素晴らしい文化である「着物」を世界中の人にもっと身近に、もっと手軽に楽しんでもらいたい” という想いから『Easy Kimono Tokyo』を立ち上げました。


Easy Kimono Tokyoでは、オーナーのSayakoが外国人向けに常時50着のリサイクル着物と帯を厳選してご用意。その中からお気に入りを選んで、10分で着られる “二部式” にリメイクするワークショップを開催します。(帯は、簡単に絞められるようにリメイクした  “作り帯” をご用意しています。)


